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In the end you will always have to return to the body, where the essential work of transformation takes place. Transformation is through the body and not away from it.

Eckhardt Tolle

Home: Welcome


Welcome to BodyMind Healing

with Lucy Fredman

I am a relational body psychotherapist with over 25 years experience of working in private practice based in Forres, North East Scotland. I am also a Dance of Awareness   facilitator and certified breathwork practitioner. Having trained in therapy modalities from psychodynamic, humanistic, transpersonal and body-centred traditions and spent thousands of clinical hours supporting clients, I have come to believe that working with the body-mind connection is the most powerful and effective way of facilitating healing. If you would like to explore working with me, please be in touch. I offer three pathways to support self-awareness, healing and change.



I offer Relational Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Trauma Therapy and Couples Therapy.


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I offer classes and workshops in embodied movement and Dance of Awareness,  a new approach to working with movement, dance and awareness.

Dance of Awareness Wave

Dance of Awareness Workshops


I offer Relational Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Trauma Therapy and Couple Therapy.


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I offer Relational Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Trauma Therapy and Couple Therapy.


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I offer Relational Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Trauma Therapy and Couple Therapy.


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I facilitate trauma-informed Conscious Connected Breathwork which supports physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I offer one-to-one sessions and regular monthly groups in Findhorn.

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The mind and the body are not separate; physiology and psychology are deeply interconnected. Age-old wisdom has always intuited this, and yet in modern Western culture a deep split has grown between the body and the mind and created a false dualism. As a result, many of us tend to overidentify with our thoughts and minds and have become disconnected from our bodies..


Click on the image or title for more details.

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Dance of Awareness Wave

Saturday 28th September 10am - 12.30pm, Findhorn

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Breathwork Group

Friday 27th September 3-5pm, Findhorn

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A 1-day Dance of Awareness Workshop

Sunday 10th November, Findhorn



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