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Psychotherapy: About Therapy

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.

Thích Nhat Hạnh

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.

Thich Nhat Hanh


Sessions last 1.5 hours and cost £120. For clients on a low income, I offer a concessionary rate of £100.

(Initial session is 2 hours long and costs £130).

10% off when 6 sessions are booked together.

One-to-one sessions take place at my home in a dedicated therapy room with it’s own entrance.

To book a session or if you have an enquiry, click here

Why Work One-to-One?

One-to-one work creates a very safe and held container for deep healing and transformation to take place. It can help you feel safer to let go more deeply in the breathwork itself and allows more time for you to unpack the experience afterwards. It also means I can offer support and guidance tailored to whatever is emerging in your session and adapt the process to what you are specifically needing. 


As your breathwork facilitator, my role is to help you to keep on track with the breathing and to guide you throughout the process. I am also there to offer support with any difficult emotions or trauma-related issues that may come up. These may be issues you are aware of and were intending to work with or that arise spontaneously. 


I bring a trauma-informed approach to breathwork. Although breathwork is different to therapy, I draw on my training in Somatic Trauma Therapy and 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist. There will be a focus on learning how to stay self-regulated throughout the session using a variety of methods including the use of resourcing. This involves connecting with the experience of something internal (e.g a bodily sensation) or external (e.g a person or a place) that evoke a sense of safety and well being.


The use of touch is part of this practice and may involve me holding someone’s hand, touching the chest/belly or holding the head or feet. It is used for reassurance, grounding and to support breathing more fully or deeper release. Touch is only ever used with your consent and we will discuss what feels right for you in the session. 


You are encouraged to surrender as much as you

can to whatever arises during the process whether

this be on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual

level. Breathwork is very different for each person

and each breathwork session you have tends to be

different from the last. Sometimes people can have

a big emotional release whilst at other times

breathwork can be very gentle leaving you feeling

calm, relaxed and uplifted. Sometimes the session

can be very physically orientated with a lot of

sensations and energy moving around the body; at

other times, it may be about having new insights

about a dilemma you are facing or possibly

experiencing states of elation, gratitude or peace.

The beauty of this practice is that there is no way

to get it wrong! Anything and everything is



As you become more confident and established with this practice, you can also do sessions on your own which makes breathwork very self-empowering. 


If you have unresolved trauma-related issues currently affecting you, I recommend one-to-one work before considering the option of group breathwork.

What Happens In a One-to-One Breathwork Session?

  • At the beginning of the session, there will be an opportunity for you to discuss the issues you are wanting to explore during the breathwork.


  • We discuss any hopes or intentions you have for the breathwork. Sometimes people find it helpful to think about something they want to let go of or invite into their life, to explore an unhelpful pattern or to bring a question about an issue they are wrestling with in their life. It can also be powerful to not bring any specific intention but be curious and trust whatever arises in the session.


  • Introduction to how breathwork works on the 4 levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I teach you the Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) technique and we have a brief practice. 


  • The breathwork lasts about an hour. It starts with a short body awareness/relaxation to help you arrive in your body and to become aware of the breath. There is then around 45 minutes of connected breathing and 15 minutes of integration time. This is as equally powerful and important as the active breathing part. 


  • The breathwork takes place with you lying on a mattress and is guided by music. This is a specially curated playlist that intentionally evokes various emotional responses and designed to stimulate your nervous system in different ways (e.g it may encourage upregulation or downregulation.) Sessions can take place without music if you prefer.


  • At the end of the breathwork, there will be some time to explore what came up for you and integrate your experience. Sometimes people can be in a non-verbal place after a breathwork and not want to use words in which case drawing materials can be provided as an aid to integration.


  • The session finishes with some grounding to help you transition safely back into the world outside and after care information is provided.

Many thanks for a truly transformative first session. Thank you for making me feel really safe as well. I feel much lighter and not in so much pain across my shoulders and neck which is so good! As a result of that, I have more energy and managed to do 2 dog walks on Sunday. Horay! During the breathwork, I was seeing the frequency of the music in forms and incredible colours that kept changing as the music changed which was really amazing and just like a mushroom trip. The session really blew me away and I’d love to do more.

Celia Forestal Smith, Artist and Art Tutor

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