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Workshops: About Therapy

If you just set people in motion, they'll heal themselves.

Gabrielle Roth

Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul‘s weather to all that can read it.

Martha Graham


" I had such a wonderful day, unfurling, uncurling becoming a whole body again, the joy and relaxation palpable. With seeming ease Lucy helped create safety, curiosity, and a method for connecting deeply to body wisdom that inspired gratitude and deep rest in me, thank you for your insightful teachings and joyful holding. "

Kristy Lee Harris

" I have been a 5Rhythms dancer for 20 years, and also done some Authentic Movement, Movement Medicine and Open Floor with many different teachers, and have found all of these practices liberating and fun and therapeutic. I just did my first Dance Of Awareness day in July 2019, and feel that it took me to a new and deeper level of release, body awareness and authentic movement. Lucy is a very experienced therapist who held a very safe space to enable all that to happen, and I can thoroughly recommend her as as a loving presence, and the quality of the work she does. "

Joannie Minto

" I loved the map, the focus on developmental stages - given with a light touch. I felt a deep sense of joy in moving and a real trust in the holding "

Margot Henderson


" I loved the Dance of Awareness day that Lucy held. I appreciated the clear structure that was laid out at the beginning of the day which moved us through the five phases of early childhood.  As we entered each phase, Lucy gave just enough background and theory for me to understand the intentions of the work before we moved into dancing. The sharing exercises that we were directed through, often in pairs, were very powerful. The emotional release that happened for me felt extremely safely held by the culture of permission that Lucy created as well as the support that was gently offered by Lucy’s assistant, Liz. It was a wonderful day and a fun way to engage with some painful early experiences and release them on a bodily level. I highly recommend this way of working/dancing and will certainly do Lucy’s next workshop. "

Jane Hera


" The combination of psychoanalysis theory and embodied movement was really powerful – it brought together things that many of us have experienced separately in a way which very quickly made sense, both in terms of cognitively understanding what we were doing, and also what we might be tapping into in the body. Your sense of care, and joy with the work itself was also lovely to experience. I trusted your wisdom, your experience, and your ability to keep us all safe at every step of the way."

Michael Dresser


" Thanks to the beautiful space you held, it was a wonderful experience for me unfolding into my inner child's journey. This work offered up gentle reflections and therefore I found this approach very non-invasive. It was really lovely to see those spaces within and keep then private if I so chose or to share my findings if I so chose, but the approach doesn't pressure one to reveal. "


Gemma Spurgeon

" All my emotional life in relationships was present in one exercise.

Very powerful."


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