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a 2-day Dance of Awareness   workshop                      



'Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.'

- Deepak Chopra

As infants and young children, we had to adapt to what was available, shape ourselves to an environment that was not always able to meet our needs. We developed 'armouring', embodied defences which serve to protect us but also block the flow of life energy.


Using the power of dance, movement, breath and bodywork in this Dance of Awareness workshop, we will explore how we can soften and release these blocks still held in the body-mind. Over 2 days, we will move through the Dance of Awareness cycle (Sensing, Grounding, Expressing, Releasing, Connecting and Completing) designed to revisit childhood stages of development and work with Reichian body-centred concepts to understand our defensive patterns. 


We will engage in a process of 'unbecoming', letting go of who we are not and restoring our capacity for love and life.

Spring 2025, date to be confirmed


To book this workshop or for further information, go to Contact

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